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The Liebster Award

I am so thrilled to be nominated in a second blogger reward! This is just an amazing honour and made even more overwhelming by coming seconds after my first. You can read about my first reward at The Sunshine Blogger Award.

Sitting here as a storm cascades down and cracks outside my bedroom window, I’m reminded of how blessed I am. Just three days ago, I launched this blog and already it has brought me so much joy. I certainly don’t have everything figured out, and I know there is a lot for me to learn. But this is an adventure I am overjoyed to take.

Thank you to all who are taking the time to read this and a special thank you to Sarah for nominating me for this! Sarah is a lifestyle blogger who really deserves to be followed. Her posts are insightful and inspiring. Check her blog out at Curiosity & Grace.

So What is the Liebster Award?

This award is given by bloggers to bloggers. It stands as a recognition by your fellow blogging community that you’re an inspirational or cool blogger. It’s also a way for bloggers to discover other bloggers.

Here Are the Rules: All nominees must..

#1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you.

#2. Answer 11 questions that the nominator gives you

#3. Nominate 11 more bloggers and notify them

#4. Give those bloggers 11 questions to answer

Here Goes My Q and A:

The first two answers are repeated from The Sunshine Award Post since the questions are similar..

1. Why did you start blogging?

Truth is, my lecturers have been telling me for two years to start a blog. Some of them directly, and others simply saying so to the class. They'd say it is the best way for writers to become known. While yeah, that's true and great, it's not exactly what made me finally do it. What inspired me to write a blog is the same thing that inspires me to write: to hopefully one day help change someone's life for the better. To put a smile on someone's face. To let out the swelling bubble of creativity wanting to burst inside of me. To show anything is possible with a little bit of imagination.

2. What are your blogging goals?

My goal is to post a new blog once every two weeks. There may be exceptions depending on what life brings. Also, I was planning to begin the #TYM'ieThoughts category and a #BookReviews category. As you've seen, the start of the first mentioned has come with an unexpected sunshine blast. #TYM'ieThoughts will be fill of my opinions and events in my personal life. Later on, I plan to start doing book reviews where I can recommend great novels and tell why I'd enjoyed them. My goal is to help local South African authors with some reviews but I'm not limited to only their works.

3. What’s one thing you’ve learned since you started blogging?

I’ve learned that when you are blogging it is a good idea to have a plan. I went into this diving head first but quickly realised I needed some sort of schedule after reading Sarah’s blog post about just that. Also, I need to be realistic with myself. I’m still in college and I know how this work load can pile up. Posting every week is likely never going to work. I have to find my happy balance and not let business get me down.

4. What is the most challenging thing about blogging?

For me, the most challenging was increasing my social media presence so my blog gets noticed. Before now, I hadn’t really tried with social media. I had a few accounts and a general understanding, but I barely posted at all. It was really challenging to step onto new platforms and really sit down to figure out how things worked. I’m still trying to work out some controls. Being a Millennial doesn’t mean I’m born with knowledge about every aspect of social media. Facebook can be complicated. Technologically savvy doesn’t mean social media expert, though I do think I’m getting the hang of things. I’m really just trying to have fun with it.

5. What is the most rewarding thing about blogging?

The moment your blog inspires another person or makes them smile. It is so rewarding to know that your blog has helped someone. But also, working towards that every day and enjoying what I write is rewarding for sure.

6. What social media platform do you use most?

Twitter. It has pleasantly surprised me, especially since my previous experience was not very good. The blogging community on Twitter has been very welcoming. I also follow many authors and it is great to connect with people with similar interests.

7. What do you do other than blogging (job, hobbies, etc.)?

I am studying my 3rd year Bachelor of Arts in English. Also editing my novel on the side, I enjoy hobbies like horse riding, drawing, and reading.

8. If you could meet and spend a day with any one person (past or present), who would it be and why?

Jesus, because it will be amazing to sit in his presence and hug him. While I do have a relationship with him here on Earth, I can’t wait for the day I get to meet my saviour face to face.

9. What is your life motto or favourite saying and why?

Be brave, don’t let fear stop you. When my heart is beating in my ears and fear is threatening to keep me from doing something I know I have to do, I can’t let those opportunities pass by because if I do, how will ever know what could have been?

10. What is the top thing on your bucket list?

The absolute top thing is the be a published author, likely self-published, and to see my books on the shelf of my favourite book store. I might just stare at it for hours.

11. Which do you prefer, beach or mountains? (Why?)

The mountains, surrounded by trees and maybe a waterfall. Being in the mountains is much more relaxing for me than being at the beach. In the mountains, I can pull up a chair and enjoy the view from over the top of a book without squinting at the sun or worrying about sand getting everywhere.


My Nominations are:

  1. Amy Edmonds ~> Amy Edmonds

  2. Annie ~> The Next Avenger

  3. Jen ~> bookworm

  4. Kyia ~> XOXO, Kyia Dante

  5. Chloe ~> C.K Beauty

  6. Zindagee ~> Happiness Through Life

  7. Lydia D’Antonio ~> LydiaLouise

  8. Jasmine Scott ~> JCS

  9. Ms B ~> MS Birdlady

  10. Grace ~> Love, Ellena Grace

  11. Gliaza ~> glimmer of happiness :)

The Questions for my nominees are:

  1. When did you start blogging and why?

  2. Which of your blog posts are you most proud of and why?

  3. If you could learn any skill instantly, what would it be?

  4. If you could, which fictional world would you live in from any book or movie?

  5. What are some of your goals for your blog?

  6. What do you enjoy most about blogging?

  7. What is one thing you don't enjoy about blogging?

  8. What makes you happy?

  9. What are some other hobbies, job, or sport that you are involved in?

  10. What do you do to relax?

  11. What's the most random thing you've blogged about?

Congratulations to those nominated! Keep inspiring and being amazing!

Til the next


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