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Who is Trinity?

"Knowledge is the key to power. But without imagination, that key will never leave your pocket" 

- TYM -

Trinity Yana Matthews is an alias, but I'm not hiding anything. Let me invite you to learn more about me. Shall we start with proper introductions? Hi there,

My name is Cara Van Heerden


Living in the countryside of South Africa, I am currently studying a Bachelor of Arts, English major. Writing is my passion and I have been involved with many groups of authors, such as having been a committee member for the South African Writer's Circle. An avid reader, I continue to hone my skills each day.

A wanderer at heart, I am often described as being "in my own world" and I like to think life can be far more than simple survival. Years ago, I went through an experience that changed me forever. Suffering from bullying and chronic nightmares, I fell into a deep depression at the age of 12, but in the midst of my misery, I was given hope from someone I'd least expected. I met God at my lowest and He led me out of the darkness. Now, I serve Him, not to repay a debt, but to love Him for the good father he is.


In my 20's and living strong, I've broken away from the restrictions of the past. Where once my primary teachers thought I will never succeed, currently I've received distinctions. Where once I would shy away from others, I am able to carry myself with a smile on my face. Life is an adventure I'm proud to be apart of and I plan to live it to the full with my friends and family, loving nature and learning to laugh no matter what.

Why I Write

What started with a simple online search for free books flung me into a world of possibilities I'd never dreamed of. My love for reading transformed into a love for writing the moment I first brought pen to paper. How else could my story begin but with a suggestion?


At the age of 17, my parents suggested I try write my own book. Little did they know I would take it seriously. But the moment I began writing down my sloppy thoughts on a piece of paper, I realised this is a way I could truly express myself. My "inner world" could explode onto the page as I tell fantasies of my own making.


I write because it makes me happy and if my writing could help even one person, then every word is worth it.


Small Beginnings...

Big Adventure

Tell me below how your adventure began and what you are passionate about. I will love to hear it!



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